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Worthware Systems International Developers of the Award-Winning CellSell® Retail ERP Platform Announces Issuance of Patent for its Internet Based Cellular Telephone Service Accounting Method and System.

Worthware Systems International Developers of the Award-Winning CellSell Retail ERP Platform Announces Issuance of Patent for its Internet Based Cellular Telephone Service Accounting Method and System. 

The Newly Issued Patent Covers the Internet Based Proprietary Technology in CellSell That Eliminates the Rekeying of Cellular Telephone Service Subscriber Data with Wireless Carrier Websites.

MONTREAL, Dec. 15, 2016 /PRNewswire/ — Worthware Systems International, Inc., a leading Vertical Market Retail ERP Provider and Developer of the Award-Wining CellSell ERP Platform (, designed exclusively for retailers of cellular phones, wireless devices, and telecom products and services announced today that it was issued its first patent by the Canadian Intellectual Property Office for its Internet Based Cellular Telephone Service Accounting Method and System. The field of the invention relates to point-of-sale and accounting systems. More specifically, it relates to customer subscriber information keyed in on wireless carrier on-line activation web sites and used by cellular retail stores.

The patent CA 2515486 makes claims in connection with the innovative core features and functionality of CellSell for registering a subscriber for cellular phone service with a wireless carrier on-line activation site, extracting the subscriber identification data according to a data extraction routine specific to the wireless carrier on-line activation site, and importing the extracted subscriber identification data into the retailer database and using this imported subscriber identification data in and by the retailer management system.


Worthware Systems International is a privately owned Canadian corporation specializing in the production of highly configurable, customizable integrated, POS (Point of Sale) and accounting systems, designed specifically for retailers of cellular phones licensed under the brand name CellSell®. CellSell® is an Award-Winning Thin Client Retail ERP platform, designed to support all aspects of wireless store operations and features Patented Technology, that cost effectively bridges the gap between disparate, cellular carrier, dealer and agent retailer systems and subscriber activation processes, to increase POS checkout capacity, make existing employees more effective, improve the customer’s in-store experience to build retailer competitive advantage, better bottom line performance and rapid ROI. Originally introduced in Canada in 1991 as an on premises ERP business application designed for retailers of cell phones, wireless devices, and telecom products and services.  CellSell® is the most time-tested and proven wireless retail industry ERP platform on the market. Today the full suite of CellSell® Thin Client Retail ERP solutions, are available via Private Cloud and Software as a Service (SaaS) Based Cloud licensing and delivery models, and meet the dynamic needs of modern telecom retailers of all types and sizes.

CellSell® is a registered trademark of Worthware Systems International Inc. Copyright © 2024 | All rights reserved.